Friday, December 7, 2007

A New Blog Comes Into the World...

Nowadays it seems like everyone has something to say. Blogs are literally everywhere…and now we’re in on it too!

Since we’ve moved away from home, we know it’s been harder to find out exactly what’s happening with us. And now that we’re having a baby, we feel like it’s more important than ever to try to keep in touch. With that said, this page is open to our family and friends and is the place to find out just what’s going on in our lives. Here you’ll find posts, news, updates, and (of course) all the pictures you could want of our beautiful little girl, Addie. We’ll be giving you monthly updates on the family throughout the year so that you can check in however often you want to see how things are going.

So if you’ve been invited here, we want for you to be able to share with us the joys of parenthood, the challenges of growing up, and just what it’s like to experience life through Addie’s eyes…


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