Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Little "Helper"

This week has been so busy! I've had to be in and out of town from Tuesday to Thursday, and we've had revival! With our hectic schedule this week, housework has understandably taken a backseat. However, our sweet girl decided to help us out with a little laundry. I'll let you see for yourself just how "helpful" she was.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Battle of the Colds!

I am sorry I haven't posted in over two weeks! Sorry! We have had our battle with the cold! I got it first and then passed it onto Addie! We had several rough nights but started feeling better mid week - just in time for Justin to catch it! Oh well, we just like to share things in our family!

Since I last spoke, we have had much going on! Justin started his gastrointestinal phase, and I have been busy in the GVA world! Actually, GVA offered me a contract to finish the rest of this school year out! Yay! Praise the Lord! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it! Thank you to all of those that have been praying for us!

I wanted to post this video of Addie playing "Peek-A-Boo". She just walked up to Justin (who was laying on the coach recovering) and took his blanket and put it over her head! We are constantly amazed by the ways she finds to entertain herself!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We have really enjoyed being home. It has been such a special treat to spend time as a family! It is a rare thing for Justin to be home and not distracted by study! This is his last break until July, so we are making the most of it! We have cleaned house, undecorated for Christmas, and tried to organize some paperwork!
For New Year's Eve, we went to church and had a wonderful service filled with testimonies of both trials and triumphs from 2008. After church, we put Addie to bed and had a parents-only party! We had a cheese tray, small sandwiches, tacitos, and fruit salad to help ring in the New Year. And I need not forget the Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice - it's a must in our house for New Years! It's amazing we lasted until midnight! We usually turn in at 11 at the latest!
I hope that 2009 will be a wonderful year for each of you, and no matter what the new year holds for us, may we grow closer to the Lord through it!
I've attached a video to make you smile today! Our little girl has figured out how to move her playpen! What will she do next?! (Don't worry Grandparents - she was crying cause she wanted me to pick her up!)

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