Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We decided to celebrate the 4th by relaxing at home! We have had a leisurely day of cleaning, playing, and napping! Wonderful indeed! However, we did venture out this afternoon after Addie's nap to take a few pictures of her in her patriotic dress. (I was encouraged to make one after seeing some that Meredith made.) I have to admit that it wasn't as hard as I thought. I will definitely make more! :)
Addie was waving to all the cars that were passing by on
the street. It was like our own little parade!

Happy Independence Day!


Bechtel Family said...

Ohhh, I love the dress! You did great! We definitely need to get together for a sewing party and share ideas!:)

Jennifer said...

Yes, very cute dress. Nice job, Libby! Happy 4th of July!!


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