Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Party

Today Addie's class had a Christmas party. It was so fun being in her class and seeing her interact with her peers. I've always wanted to be a "fly on the wall" to see how she spends her time at school, and I got a glimpse of that today. I am glad to say that she is the same, sweet, little girl that we have at home! Enjoy the snapshots from our fun, festive day!

Addie and her little friends enjoying their snack; don't they just look like big girls sitting there?

Mrs. Susan and Addie enjoying a moment together.

The Jack-in-the-box; an old toy with timeless enjoyment!

We got MANY treats today! Justin will certainly be happy! :) She also got her very first Barbie from one of her little friends!

Addie gave her friend Anna some love before saying goodbye.



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