Thursday, February 19, 2009

Addie's 1st Haircut!

Addie got her first haircut today! One of the ladies from our church is a hair stylist and volunteered to cut it for me. Her name is Hinky (different I know!), and she keeps Addie on Wednesday nights in the nursery. She was so kind to work us in this morning!

Addie was a bit unsure at first. However, she was very interested in the carousel horse! I kept her still by showing her pictures from my digital camera, and when Addie started to wiggle, Hinky called in her dog, Khaki, to serve as a distraction. It worked perfectly!

Doesn't she look like a little girl instead of a baby! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up!


Grammy said...

You are a big girl now! "Miss" Hinky did a great job and I know you'll enjoy "riding the horsey"
every time you go over there!!!
Grandaddy and I look forward to seeing your new cut in a couple of
weeks. Teeth, b-day, standing alone, and a haircut - been a busy month - what's next?
We love you,
Grammy & Grandaddy

Jennifer said...

Libby, thank you so much for posting this blog. I check every week for something new. You've got me addicted with your stories and pictures of Addie. I love being able to share in everything she is up to!
I just got my birthday cards in the mail today as well as my gluten free vegan cookbook. I absolutely love my book and can't wait to make some of those yummy recipes! Addie's card to me was super cute and gave me a big smile. Thank you for the really nice card from you and Justin and the photos of Addie. You guys made my day! :)


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