Sunday, March 1, 2009

A snowy day in Middle Georgia (Part 1)

WE HAD SNOW TODAY!! It started raining softly overnight, which developed into small hail, which turned into sleet, and finally into snow by this morning. However, since the ground is warm (37 degrees) the snow melts on contact, so I don't have any pictures of us knee-deep in the white stuff. Oh well! The weather here has been so crazy over the past few days! Friday was warm enough for me to wear short sleeves, Saturday was filled with sirens blaring for tornado warnings, and today it has snowed for several hours straight and still going! I thought Valdosta was the only place with weird weather!!
However, during the first brief snow shower, we mangaed to get Addie all bundled up for some pictures! I'll let her tell you about her winter adventure!
"Bye Bye! I am going to go play in the snow!"
Daddy was so excited he didn't even take time to change out of his church clothes!
Silly Daddy!
Mommy and I were so excited that it snowed!! But she didn't let me get down in it.
She said it was too wet!
I had a great time outside, but now I am ready to get out of these wet clothes!
How do you get this hat off?



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