Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Thanks to so many of you that called or sent a card to me on my birthday! I truly had a fabulous day! I spent the morning working, but did take some time off to go get a coffee with Justin while Addie was at school. I just love my husband and cherish the small moments we get to spend with each other. He was so sweet in getting several surprises together to make my day extra special. Perhaps the most cherished surprise is this video that he put together for me...I hope you enjoy it...I certainly did!!!

And no...there's no little brother on the way! :) Just part of the song.


Alice S. Cook said...

Hi Libby,
I can't pull this up. It says something about accepting a friend request.

Libby said...

I've gone in and changed the YouTube setting....let me know if it works now.


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