Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's Official...

Justin has chosen a specialty! Through much prayer and thought, he has decided on.....ophthalmology! The next six months will be grueling on Justin (and us). He has applied for some away rotations this fall and will be traveling for interviews throughout the fall and winter of this year. There are so many issues that really need to be bathed in prayer, but to be succinct, pray that Justin will have wisdom and for doors to open or close as the Lord sees fit. Even as I type this, I must remark that this is our 3 year anniversary in Macon, and I am amazed to see how much the Lord has seen us through. Thank you to all of you that pray for us and I appreciate your prayers as we enter this new stage in our lives.


David Mann said...

That's wonderful! So proud of you all! Yes, you have come a long ways and seen many challenges. It is by God's grace that we are blessed in this life. We will definitely keep all that you mentioned in our prayers!
Dad ("Grand Pa")

Brandy said...

Yay! Congrats to Justin! I will be praying for you all that God opens doors for him.


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