Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Potty Time!

Well, it's time! Addie has been increasingly interested in going to the potty and would not let me have any peace until she too could sit on her own potty. I bought her some big girl underwear and she immediately ran to the hallway, took them out of the package, and tried them on! To say she is eager is an understatement. I believe she is ready and has had 2 good days of training with no accidents yet! Me, on the other hand, am anxious with each and every moment that passes, anticipating the inevitable accident.
However, I am very proud of what she has done so far and each day has gotten better. If you have recently been through this process and would like to leave a comment...please do so! :)


Brandy said...

Yay Addie! Such fun! Go Addie Go!


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