Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting That Moving Feeling

As many of you know, we are finishing up medical school and are preparing to move for Justin's residency. We've already started packing up the non-essentials, and apparently Addie has gotten into the spirit of packing! On Saturday, I was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast and noticed that Addie was diligently and quietly playing in her room. I went to go check on her and noticed this..her "train" with all of her toys. She said she was moving to Hobby Lobby..haha.. and didn't want to leave any of her stuff. She's going to be a great helper with this move!

She did a very thorough job of packing up!


Bechtel Family said...

That is too cute! Do y'all know where y'all are moving yet?

Libby said...

No, we'll find out on St. Patty's Day! All in all, we hate to leave Macon, but are excited about this next step! :) I'll blog for sure that day and let you all know!

Brandy said...

Addie did such a nice job of packing - I am super impressed. Everything lined up, neat and in a row - hmmmm, wonder where she gets that from?? :)
Can't wait to find out where you are moving to! Maybe close to me!


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