Tuesday, July 19, 2011


As Addie approaches 3 1/2, I am amazed at how mature she is getting! We no longer have a baby in the house, we have a little girl. She has become increasingly independent. For example, she is able to get her breakfast (yogurt and a spoon) by herself as well as dress herself.. I am so proud of her! :) She is also using her imagination a LOT more! She pretends that she is a mommy, a teacher, and a doctor...wonder where she gets that from :) She also creates her own stories, and let me tell you, they are VERY imaginative! However, I have been most astonished with how good she imitates me! I often laugh when I hear her teaching or getting onto her babies/animals. She sounds EXACTLY like me...oh my! As I was putting dishes away this morning, I noticed Addie folding the laundry..she really did a great job! It reminded me once again that she watches me all the time, whether I know it or not!

This situation also brought to mind Ephesians 5:1- "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." Do I imitate my Heavenly Father as much as my earthly child imitates me?...ouch! Praise the Lord for grace and forgiveness!


Mann Alive! said...

So true, Libby! Little ones really do "watch" us adults ALL THE TIME! :) So glad my precious grand child has the two parents that God gave her. You and Justin are inspirational, even for a 51 y/o Grand Pa! Kiss my baby girl for me! I MISS you all!

Brandy said...

Love it! Anytime you guys are in town, tell Miss Addie she can come help me fold my laundry! What an awesome job she is doing! Looks like perfection . . . hmmm, wonder where she gets that from?? hehe


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