Saturday, July 9, 2011

National Aquarium....July 9,2011

Justin had call from home today, so we decided to head back down to the Inner Harbor to visit the National Aquarium. We left at 8:00 this morning and were the first ones through the door! :) The exhibits were good, but not as good and interactive as the Georgia Aquarium...of course I might be a bit biased. However, since we were the first ones in, we were able to see the exhibits really well.

Behind us is the skeleton of a whale...I was amazed at how big it really was!

Loving on Daddy in the Australian exhibit.

My favorite room..the JELLY FISH!! We have a love/hate relationship, and I still bare the scars of our last encounter!

After we went through the entire aquarium, there was a play area for kids! Addie made a little friend and they put on a puppet show for us!

They also had dress-up clothes for the kids to enjoy! Addie was so cute as a crab and then as a turtle.

She then dug for some seashells with some new friends.

Being silly :)

Getting a hands on lesson about amphibians!
After the aquarium, we wanted to ride the paddleboats on the bay. At first, Addie didn't like it because we weren't going fast enough and she didn't like having to wear a little daredevil!

She quickly warmed up to it and enjoyed snuggling with Daddy.

All smiles on our way back home.


Brandy said...

Fun, fun, fun - looks like you guys had a great time!


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