Thursday, November 13, 2008

This was too cute... I had to add it

I know typically that I update our blog once a week; however, Addie got our attention by doing this Wednesday night! She is standing up holding on to our ottoman entertaining herself. You just have to see this!

Just in case you missed it....she is blowing bubbles on the ottoman. I grabbed the camera towards the end, so she was tired of doing it when I started recording. As you can tell, she REALLY loves talking to her daddy and waving at him. Just thought I'd share!


Alice S. Cook said...

That was TOOOOOOO CUTE! Thanks for the addition to the blog. Can't wait to show this to Jerry when he gets home. I know I'm a little bias but she is so smart. You and Justin are doing a great job as parents.
Thank you,
Momma Alice


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