Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Little Mozart

Music is very important in our house. For those who don't know, Justin plays the piano beautifully, and he enjoys playing it as often as he gets the chance. He says it really helps him get a break from all the studying he does. It is therefore no surprise that our little one has too found a love of the piano. There is not a song that goes by where Addie doesn't add in her variation by banging on the keys while Daddy plays around her. We recorded her latest work for you to enjoy!


Grammy said...

Grammmy is so proud of you! All those Mozart instrumental baby CD's
are paying off. I'll have to remember to play those when you are here - maybe even get a little piano for you!!! Now get mommy to sing as you and daddy play. I especially enjoyed the low note keys - cause that seems to be where I'm singing these days.???.
Love, Grammy

Jennifer said...

Help!!! I want to see the music video, but it only plays for the first three seconds every time I try. I've tried downloading the latest adobe player, but nothing is working. :( All the other videos play the full length on the blog but this one for some reason. Anyone have any suggestions?
-Sad Aunt Jen

Libby said...

Hey sis (this is Justin)! I'm not sure what the problem is...we can't watch anything but the first few seconds too. I'm pretty convinced that it's just our internet, though it's weird that you can't view it either. Sorry I know this doesn't help much but at least we can empathize! Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll have plenty more videos to come if you still can't see this one. Love You!

Lil bro. Justin

Jennifer said...

That video was so adorable!!! Yeah, it's fixed! Thank you Libby! :) Justin, thank you for empathizing, your comment was funny. -Happy Aunt Jen


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