Sunday, March 1, 2009

A snowy day in Middle Georgia (Part 2)

I had just finished blogging, when I looked out the window and noticed how hard it was snowing and that it was beginning to stick! Addie was taking her afternoon nap, so Justin and I quickly dressed in our make-shift snow gear and headed outside! We had a blast playing in the snow! (Don't worry - we kept going inside to check on Addie!)
A few hours later, when Addie awoke from her nap, we dressed her in some snow gear and went outside for her first real experience with the wet stuff. She was unsure of it and actually began to cry because she couldn't move in her getup (we had 3 layers on her)! However, when we put her on the ground in it, she really started to get the hang of it. She was really amazed at this white stuff and how it stuck to everything. In fact, she grabbed two hands worth and just sat and stared at it. I posted more pictures and a video for you to see just how amazing today was!


Amber said...

Now I wish I had come to your house to play in the snow!! It looks like you guys had such a good time! She is such a cutie...and she is only more adorable when she is all bundled up for her adventure in the snow! =)

Jennifer said...

Libby, hope you didn't catch cold from your poor feet being all wet with snow! Poor thing! That Justin!! :) Addie, looked confused. I guess she knows that snow is for throwing at people now. lol


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