Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Today, Addie and I headed down to a local church where they were selling pumpkins. They had SO many to choose from, and Addie and I were the only ones there. It was so nice to be able to pick the best ones without having a crowd. They also had a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. I really wanted one that had "warts" on it, but Justin really detests those..oh well!

I also took this opportunity for Addie to wear her new outfit that her "Tata" (Aunt Allison - my sister) made! Isn't it so cute?! She did a great job on the construction - much better than I had ever done! Hopefully, there will be more to come...hint hint Allison!

Being selective choosing her pumpkin.

Helping me pick out a white one! I just love the white ones!

She was being such a big girl and helping me. She kept going on and on about "Ooo, look at this one," and "This one's perfect!"

Arms full on the way to pay for the pumpkins.

Amidst a sea of orange!



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