Friday, October 8, 2010

Singing In The Rain..jumping too!

While we were in Valdosta for Justin's training, we were thrilled to be able to see and spend time with friends. One night after church, we walked outside to find Rylin (Addie's best friend) splashing in the puddles. Addie couldn't resist, and we let her join in on the fun. Even though she didn't have her galoshes on, that didn't stop her from "dancing in the rain".

We are all relieved to now be back home...all together. I took a day off this week to make our house a home again. It is funny what time can do to a house that is empty! We also started back to potty training! Our first attempt during early summer didn't go so well; she just was not ready. However, now, she is doing much better. It is not an overnight success like I had hoped, but each day is getting better.


Brandy said...

Cute - how fun! Go Addie with your potty training!


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