Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Fashion

While I've been on Spring Break this week, I've had a few projects that needed my attention. Things like: cleaning house, catching up on paperwork, changing Addie's closet out from winter to spring, and other dreary tasks. Needless to say, they've not all been done! However, I did complete a BIG project today and wanted to share it with you! I made Addie an Easter outfit! It was so much fun to do, and it only took one day to finish (one day with a LATE night)! I took Addie to a nearby Methodist church for our "photo shoot"; I also brought her Easter basket with eggs. She had a blast pulling the eggs and faux grass out! Enjoy the latest pics!

Addie really enjoyed the azealas until a friendly bumblee started hovering.
We quickly changed locations!

"Hey everyone! Happy Easter!"

I just love this picture! This is her excited face!

"I just love Easter! Don't you?"


Jennifer said...

Awww, she's growing up so fast. Libby,you did an awesome job on her outfit. It looked adorable. All of your outfits have. Happy Easter, Addie!

Alice S. Cook said...

How cute is that! Libby you did a great job with the outfit, its adorable. We can tell Addie enjoyed the trip. Thanks Libby for the pics!

Grammy said...

This outfit is the best yet! Moms down here would pay big $ for such a sweet outfit. Addie will be able to hunt for those eggs come Sunday - what fun!!! Can't wait for Easter pixs. Thankful Justin is better - love to you all - Grammy


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