Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Little Monkey

Justin caught Addie climbing on top of her toy box yesterday, but I couldn't believe it! So today, during her playtime, I watched her closely, and this is what I found:

Gone forever are the days of just relaxing while she is in her "pen"! I am afraid to see what she'll do next!! (Alice, you always wanted to Justin to have a little one just like him! Your prayers have been answered! Oh me!)


Grammy said...

Ohhhhh myyyyy,
She is her daddy's little girl. How strong and smart she is!!! But one good thing - she's saying "outside" much clearer.
Just remember "Monkey see, monkey do".

Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

LOL oh my goodness! She is getting bigger and stronger, isn't she! Wow, that's awesome. Yea good job, Addie!!! And good job catching her, Libby! LOL

Alice S. Cook said...

That is the product of a driven and active mind. Just unabashed curiosity and that's very healthy. Libby and Justin, the best of luck staying one step ahead of her!!!


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