Friday, April 24, 2009

We're Walking!

Well, sort of! I am in Valdosta this week for GVA. I've been administering the CRCT to our South Georgia kids all week: elementary in the morning and middle school in the afternoon! It has been a very long week with getting up at 6:45a.m. and not getting home until 6:00p.m.!

We've been waiting for the day when Addie would walk freely without having to push anything, and I've always had a sneaking suspicion she would do it when I wasn't around! Well that "Mommy intuition" was right! While Addie has been staying with her "Gigi", she has started walking! She'll take 6- 8 steps, realize what she is doing, and fall to her knees! I've included this snipit of a video so you can see how she's doing! I'll update this with a better video shortly!


Jennifer said...

Yea!!! Good job, Addie!! So good to see that you're walking now!


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