Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to the world's best daddy! Addie and I turned this special holiday into a weekend affair. On Friday, we baked him a cake in the shape of a tie and made him a poster while he was at work! On Saturday, we gave him his big present - a valet stand to put his suits and white coat on! Lastly, today, we made him blueberry pancakes and opened cards after church! Even though he has so much on his plate, he always finds time to make Addie and I feel super special! We love you!

Addie also wanted to wish Grandaddy (my dad), Grandpa (Justin's dad), and Papa Jerry a very special Father's Day ! Thank you for you Godly examples and enduring love for us! We love you!


Jennifer said...

Aww! Happy Father's Day, Justin!


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