Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Little Picasso

My work schedule this week has been much lighter, so Addie and I have been trying new things. With my good friend Megan's encouragement, I braved the task of finger painting with Addie! I had some paint in my school stuff as well as some butcher paper, so I wrapped her tray in the paper and let her have some of the red paint! I also used this experience to reinforce our colors, so I set up a little red display of Addie's favorite things. We had a blast doing it, but I don't know if Addie really liked the way it felt on her fingers...we all know she has issues with stuff being on her hands! However, it was so fun and easy to clean up, that I will definitely do it more and with other colors! Hmmm.... we have some blueberries in the fridge.....so tomorrow might just be a blue day!

An update on our week: Justin continues to study for about 18 + hours a day... our BIG test is this Friday! Please be in prayer for him to recall not only everything he has studied, but also everything he has read and seen over the past 2 years! Addie and I are greatly looking forward to having our Daddy back this weekend!! YAY!


Jennifer said...

Addie looks like she doesn't know what to think about all that red paint on her hand! ;)
Have fun painting Addie!


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