Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Fun!!

YAY!! Justin finished his test yesterday, and Addie and I got to enjoy having him back today! This morning, we dropped Addie off at a friend's house and Justin and I went to see the movie Up in 3-D! We had a blast! It felt like we were dating again! :) We both got an Icee (cherry for me and raspberry for Justin) and enjoyed just being together. (By the way, the movie is great: a good mix of humor with sentiment.) After the movie, we went to Toys-R-Us and got Addie a pool!! We set it up, and after Addie's nap, we splished and splashed until supper time!
Addie was getting acquainted with her new pool.
We giggled and giggled!
We are looking forward to many more fun summer days ahead!


Jennifer said...

A pool! It's about time summer was here! Cute pictures!


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