Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Week In Review

Call me crazy or eager, but I am an Elementary Teacher at heart, and I have been so excited this week with what Addie has been learning and doing! Today they had 3 special art projects that I just had to share with you!
The first one is a picture of the sun she painted yellow! She actually
used a small paint brush, not her fingers!

The second one is a picture of the rainbow that she also painted with a paint brush.

The last one is a piece of toast that they used food coloring to finger paint. She ate one piece for their snack time and brought the other one home to share with us!

She had a wonderful week and even got a pack of M & M's for being such a good girl!! I don't know who is having more fun: me or her!! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down!

Tuesday evening when I was getting dinner ready, I noticed Addie spinning around saying something. She would get so dizzy that she would begin to stumble and laugh at herself hysterically! Justin and I couldn't believe what she was doing, and she wouldn't stop. After a few minutes of this, I figured out that she was saying, "Ashes, Ashes," over and over again. She had learned it earlier that day at school and was sharing it with us. Check out the is so cute!

Addie's First Day of Preschool

Today Addie started her "Mommy's Morning Out"class at Lawrence Drive Baptist. I got her up extra early this morning so we'd have plenty of time for our breakfast routine. She woke up almost like she knew she was going to do something fun today! She was eager and dancing around in her new tennis shoes! After breakfast, I loaded her up in the car and took the five minute drive to our "school". I walked her to her classroom, talked a bit with her teacher Mrs. Susan, and was getting ready to put her down. However, after seeing a room filled with toys and the little girls that she was going to play with, Addie told me she wanted down, and off she went! She grabbed a baby and headed off towards the play kitchen without looking back!! I kind of felt like Denise on the Cosby Show when it was Olivia' s first day of preschool (check out the video clip at - it wouldn't let me embed!) She is just so independent!

She had a wonderful time, and is looking forward to painting toast on Thursday (whatever that is!). This month we are focusing on the color yellow, the star shape, and the number one. We are going to have so much fun this year!! Check out our pictures below!
Yipee! I am ready for a fun day at school!!

Mom, I'm ready to go!!

I leaned the camera around the corner from Addie's classroom and got this amazing picture! She didn't see me; I guess the flash caught her attention!

Addie and her teacher, Mrs. Susan. This was after school and Addie couldn't figure out why I was taking a picture instead of picking her up!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy 18 Month Birthday!

It is so hard to believe that our baby girl is growing up so quickly!! Eighteen months has really flown! She is starting to become so much of a little girl. In fact, she starts "school" this coming week! Actually, it is just a "Mommy's Morning Out" class, but she'll be learning Bible Stories, songs, as well as academics (colors, numbers, and shapes). I am excited that she is getting to do all of this, but in the same breath, I am sad, my baby isn't much of a baby anymore!


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