Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down!

Tuesday evening when I was getting dinner ready, I noticed Addie spinning around saying something. She would get so dizzy that she would begin to stumble and laugh at herself hysterically! Justin and I couldn't believe what she was doing, and she wouldn't stop. After a few minutes of this, I figured out that she was saying, "Ashes, Ashes," over and over again. She had learned it earlier that day at school and was sharing it with us. Check out the video...it is so cute!


Jennifer said...

So cute! Wish I could dance with you, Addie!

erin0816 said...


Spinning around in a circle and not actually falling down is just the best. You figured it out already and you're not even 2! You say down with the proper enthusiasm. You just rock.


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