Saturday, February 13, 2010

More Snow Pictures

When we got up this morning, there was still about 3 inches on the ground. Justin and Addie were eager to get back outside, so I took a few quick pictures of our fun before all the white stuff started to melt.

Daddy was the "horsey" because Addie still wasn't interested in walking on the snow.

"Weeeee...." We found our old sled (from our old ski trip days in the Youth Group) and Justin and Addie slid down the hill.

Mommy and Addie sharing a moment together...

Justin decided he wanted to make a snowman, so he began the arduous task of gathering the snow for the body.

The finished project! Our olympic snowman, complete with gold medal and crown!


Greg and Shara said...

I can't believe Macon had all of that snow! What fun! Addie is adorable, can't believe she's 2! Her birthday cake was so cute!! Did you make it? Her two year pics were precious! Blessings :)


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