Thursday, February 4, 2010

School Birthday Party

At Addie's Mommy's Morning Out class, we got to bring special snacks for her birthday! Justin got the morning off so he could come too!! I made mini-cupcakes with rainbow chip icing (my ALL-TIME favorite!) and had cheeseballs. It was so much fun... a true riot with four 2-year olds! I don't know how Mrs. Susan does it!!

The kiddos enjoying their snack!

Finger-lickin' good!

Addie trying to explain something to me...

She loves getting a juice box! She drinks half and wears half from squeezing the box too tight!

Giving Daddy (the camera man) a book to read.

After the "party" we all went to the mat to play.

Enjoying some "tea" with the girls!



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