Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day Party

I just love Valentine's Day! As a virtual classroom teacher, I really miss the interaction with the kids -especially the parties!! I get my "fix" by going to Addie's class and helping her teacher out with special occasions. Last night, Addie and I worked on her Valentines - I wrote the names and she put on the stickers. We also made crayon hearts (thanks Meredith for the idea) by melting old crayons in a heart-shaped muffin pan. They turned out extremely cute! At the party today, we had some cookies, grapes, and goldfish and later passed out the valentines in their Panda boxes that they created earlier last week. I know I've said it many times, but I love Addie's little school and am excited that we get to share these little memories together!
"Mmmm, Yummy!"

I Love You "Beary" Much! Addie's Valentine box stuffed to the gills with goodies! (Let's just say that Justin will be taking a lot of it with him to the hospital tomorrow!)



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