Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Party

Today Addie's class had a Christmas party to celebrate Jesus' birthday. The kids were instructed to bring snacks and a present to exchange. I wasn't able to be there for the gift swap, but her teachers assured me she said, "thank you" after receiving her gift...that's my thoughtful girl! When I arrived, this is what awaited me - all smiles and waves.

Sorry it is fuzzy, but she was so proud that I was there. She told all of her friends, "that's MY Mommy!"

After the snacks, Mrs. Wendy reviewed the Christmas story with the children. (Addie was looking where I went.)

The kids that stayed in their seats got a lollipop - like she really needed more sugar! Oh boy! At least she stayed in her chair during Bible story time!

Being so attentive to the story.

Anna Kate and Addie posing by the nativity scene. The girls just loved that Mary and Joseph were their size. Addie did pick up baby Jesus and pet the sheep before I could get to her. We will learn about reverence another day! Haha!


Brandy said...

I LOVE that she picked up baby Jesus - that made me giggle. Bribing kids with lollipops - oh no, we teachers fret upon that! Hah!


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