Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fun at Chick-fil-A

Justin has been extremely busy lately with studying for his 2nd medical licensing exam, but tonight, he treated Addie and I to a surprise. He took us to Chick-fil-A for dinner and a show! Our local Chick-fil-A puts up over 40,000 lights in sync with music to raise funds for Habitat for Humanity. We went last year, but knew Addie would really enjoy it this year! As you enter the parking lot, you are asked to tune into an FM radio station where you can hear the music the lights are programmed to. The neatest thing is that they present the Biblical account of the Christmas story in addition to other holiday songs.

She looks happy doesn't she?

Her dancing with glee at the sight of the moving Christmas lights...notice the waffle fry that manages to make its way to her mouth! Haha!

When they played a slow song, this was her interpretive dance...


Brandy said...

Oh my gosh - that is awesome and Addie is too cute!! Please tell her that she ate at Parker's favorite restaurant! We Kleeman's LOVE CFA!!!


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