Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Part 2

For more Thanksgiving celebration, we traveled down to Valdosta to spend time with Justin's Dad and Stephanie as well as with my family! We always enjoy going back "home" - our old hometown- to see our families and friends, and this trip was no different. We spend T-giving day with Justin's family and enjoyed playing SCRABBLE, and we even got to sing, play the drums and keyboard. Addie really enjoyed the drums and Justin's Dad said she was a natural! Stephanie fixed us a feast, and we ate to our hearts content!
The day after T-giving, we celebrated with my family at my parent's house. My parents have a playset in their backyard as well as one on the landing of the lake - needless to say, Addie was in her element. I begged to bring some food - my family was quite against it - but since we've moved, I've not been able to host any holiday :(, and I really enjoy it! Oh well, my time will come some day I suppose! Justin and Jeffrey (my brother-in-law) are joined at the hip whenever we get together and this occasion was no different. My Mom, Sister, and I always enjoy just talking, and my Dad was busy keeping up with Addie!
I am ashamed to say I didn't take any pictures for Thanksgiving - I just simply forgot! Oh well! We had such a marvelous time that it slipped my mind. I will most definitely make up for it at Christmas though. :)



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