Saturday, December 18, 2010

Critical Thinking...

Lately, Addie has amazed us what she does during her play time. She is learning so much at school, like the Pledge of Allegiance, days of the week, and more. However, I have been more impressed with what she comes up with on her own: her critical thinking skills. For example, on the way home from school one day, Addie asked me to turn around and look at how well she had written her name. Usually, it is just a bunch of lines, but this time, it looked pretty close!

Then a few days later, during snack time, she sorted her cereal by color! I wasn't even talking to her about colors! I tried to get a quick picture before she ate the evidence.

It's moments like these I get glimpses into her little brain. It is amazing to remember that God has uniquely formed Addie, and is shaping her to become whatever He desires.



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